4 months 3 days… where did the time go?

Talking to a old friend and talking about JasperĀ and can you guys believe it has been 4 months 3 days since his surgery!!! At times if feels like it was just yesterday I was sitting at the vet office crying my eyes out not knowing if my boy was going to make it and wondering how I was going to tell the kids that he didn’t make it…. And then then most days I don’t see him as being a disabled dog that this is just our “normal” everyday life. But I know there is NO WAY I could have made it through this whole ordeal without the love and support of everyone……


Summer Fun
Kids only think mom put the sprinkler out for them…. its all MINE!!!
Mom says if I get wet I have to stay out on the porch till I dry…. I don’t care I LOVE THE WATER!!!