
Before I start I will say Jasper is doing amazing. As I write this he is chewing on his kitty’s head (dont ask because I have no idea why the cat allows him to do this and why he likes to do it).


Jasper and his Kitty on Jasper's 1st Birthday.
Jasper and his Kitty on Jasper’s 1st Birthday.


I often wonder if Jasper ever misses his leg.  Or does he even understand why he is missing it?  Did I make the right choice or should I have taken him to see the specialist to see if we could save his leg?  Then there is always the “What if’s” and the “I should have’s” ……. Like I should have made sure our company shut the gate when they left, I should have made sure the gate was closed before we let Jasper out, and what if something worse happened to Jasper.  And what if I made the wrong decision for him.

AND THEN……………………….

I look at him and I see how happy he is, how he flies when he runs, how he can out run his little brother and get the ball 1st.  How he is still the same Jasper and I realize that I made the right decision for everyone.  He may be missing a leg but we still have him. We still have his kisses, we still have him dropping his ball on our lap and giving us the biggest doggy smile as in saying “lets go play ball”, we still have tons of Jasper fur every where, and we still have the best dog any family could have.   My daughter still has her  independence, her companion, her confidant, and best friend. The other kids in the house (I am also a foster parent) has someone to cuddle up to when they feel they have nothing in their lives, they have a friend, some one to go play catch with out in the yard, they learn that having a disability does not mean being out of the “game”. WE STILL HAVE JASPER AND HE STILL HAS US!!!

Jasper's 1st Birthday!!!
Jasper’s 1st Birthday!!!






6 thoughts on “Reflection”

  1. JAAAAAAASPER! You are ADORABLE! Love, love, love these Birthday photos!


    You and your kitty look like you may have a bit of a hangover! But I’m sure it was worth it!!

    Yes, Jasper’s joyful actions tell you that you made the right decision!! Just delightful to hear how happy he is!

    Thanks for the great update…lots of smiles in tripawd land!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. Ahh Jasper, are you still drinking? Chewing on the kitty’s head? Hmm it must be a great massage!

    Jasper, you have a critical role to play in your family. I’m so happy you are doing so well and enjoying life.

    Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

  3. What joy! We are so hoppy for you and Jasper, talk about a life-changing experience! Thanks for sharing how everything went and giving hope to folks who are new on this journey. We wish you many, many more joyous years ahead. xoxo

  4. What an awesome story you have to share and Jasper has such an integral part to play in your family. You betcha you made the right choice! Thank you so much for sharing your story, and Jasper, with us! We are looking forward to many more posts!

    CR and the OP

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